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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Walk to Remember Part 3

By the time the walk was over Jansen had found this statue that he had to have his picture made with. This is actually the Wampus Cat Mascot.

Me and my sweet sis! I'm so glad I have her!

This is the group that came to walk with us and to remember Jillian. Most of these people are our closest friends and family and we would not have made it this past year if it weren't for everyone here. Many did not get to come to the walk due to other plans, conflicts, etc but we had a great turnout I thought! What a blessing to know Jillian is loved by so many people! We had around 40 people that were there with us. Overall there were over 200 people at the walk representing all the families. This year was the biggest yet!

Our family with Kristy S, the bereavement coordinator who has helped us sooo much, even before Jillian was born. We met with her many times to discuss all the things we needed to consider when planning for her birth. She was at the hospital with us off and on the entire 3 days we were there and helped us in planning all the aspects for the funeral service, etc. A wonderful selfless servant! Many thanks from us to her that we will never forget!

Jansen's friends that were at the walk with their families. I'm so glad he has friends that know he has a sister and understand we just don't get to see her in this life.
All in all, this day was amazing. There was not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was perfect. We could not have asked for a better day! I hope that each and every year we will be able to participate and remember our sweet Jillian with the Walk to Remember. Not only do we remember her everyday but this special day was about her and the lasting impact she had on so many individual's lives. We love you always sweetheart! I want to be able to help other families in any way I can and if it means telling your story over and over again I will do it! I was actually contacted by Kristy a few weeks after the walk and asked if I would be interested in doing an interview for one of our local television stations to promote the program at the hospital and of course I said YES! Unfortunately, it has been postponed currently and we have not had a chance to film yet but I hope we can do it soon! I want more people to know your story of your short but meaninful life!

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