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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

My sweet boys got me these beautiful flowers for Valentine's day along with a bag of snickers-- my favorite candy!

J holding up his goodies from us... a bag of hershey kisses, a new movie, and baseball gloves for t-ball!

J with his sack before he looked to see what he got

Jansen's class had a party at school and they went outside to play a few games and they had to pick hearts out of a box, read what it said and then do it. His heart said walk backwards to the line. It was fun watching the kids try to read and act out what their hearts said.

J ready to eat his goodies and drink his capri sun during their party. He got cute cards from his classmates and lots of candy!
Jack and I actually celebrated Valentines together Friday night by leaving Jansen with several college students from our church who were doing a fund raiser for mission trips this summer. We then went to eat at my favorite restaraunt, Marketplace! I of course had to get a chocolate butter mess for dessert! We ate so much we were miserable when we left but we had a good time together!

Jack the Referee

I will let most of these pictures do the talking... Yes my husband is a basketball referee and he loves it! I don't mind it so much until this time of year and he is gone a lot! February is the busiest month of the season with tournaments starting so by this time I am ready for the season to be over so he is home with me and J more! Not much longer and this season is over for the year! Yea!

Waiting during a time out

I love this picture! I caught him and one of the other guys chatting during a time out and I love their expressions on their faces!

Jansen wanted his picture with the court in the background! This night we were at Alma and their gym is amazing for a high school!

From October until March of every year this is the life of my husband... thus the life of me and Jansen too!!! Jack absolutely loves to referee high school basketball and makes some good extra money while doing so!

Jansen and I don't go watch him a lot since several games are during the week on school nights but we like to go on Friday nights if we can. Last week we went to Alma with him on Saturday to a game and enjoyed our time. I tried to get some pics of Jack in action. It was pretty hard since he was never still!

This would have been a good pic if he hadn't put his hand right up in the way of his face!

Blowing his whistle... not sure what for though!

Daddy and sweet Jansen after the game


This little boy cannot get any cuter!!!! My sweet nephew Kyle having fun at our house on one of our snow days.

This was my idea of fun during the snow... Our friends Andy and Emily came over and brought their Wii with a dancing game and everyone took a turn competing against Jansen! He actually won a few rounds too!

Daniel and Jansen dancing together... notice Jack and Andy relaxing in the background!

Like Father Like Son!

Aunt Rita and J competing against each other... by far Rita has better moves than all of the other adults!
This was my idea of fun during the snow! Mommy and J dancing together!

Jillian's flowers and vase was all you could see with all the snow. Her marker was completely covered.

Driving through the cemetary going to see Jillian's grave in the snow. We couldn't even see the road!

J riding his bike on our road! So cute!

J and Daddy did a lot of this during the snowy days! Notice J still has his pj's on and it was afternoon when I took this picture!

2011 has proven to be the year for snow in Arkansas! I don't ever remember this much snow! This time we got about 7 inches here in central Arkansas! If it is going to snow I would rather get a lot like this so it is worth being stuck inside the house! The above pic is Jack and Jansen riding bikes down the road in front of our house. Jansen said it was really hard and he kept getting stuck!

This picture is looking out across our front yard and that is our neighbor's house across the street. You really can't even tell where the road is at!

Our front porch and yard... beautiful!

This is how deep it was on our picnic table while it was still snowing. It actually got a lot deeper before it was over.

Our backyard snow covered!

Monster Trucks

A couple of weeks ago Jack took Jansen to Monster Trucks at Verizon Arena in Little Rock. They had a boys night together without Mommy! I was not too disappointed since I knew it would be loud and smelly!

This was one of their favorites however this pic shows the truck stuck on the cars when it quit working! Jansen loved watching them pull it off the floor!

Jansen's favorite truck all night, Grave Digger! The very next day we had to go to Wal Mart to get him his very own toy Grave Digger and he has played with it everyday since then!

J is all smiles!

Jansen and Daddy after a fun filled boys night together!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

11 months

I know I have said this just about every month but where does the time go? I honestly cannot believe Jillian was born 11 months ago today. It blows my mind to think next month is 1 year since the day she entered this world for only a brief while. These 2 pics of Jansen holding her are some of my most favorite. He still talks about Jillian nearly everyday and we all miss her dearly. She is forever a part of our family and always Jansen's little sister.

My sweet sister's husband Daniel went to college at Harding University and the campus redid their Auditorium where chapel is held daily, big events, etc and they asked for donations to renovate the seat cushions on the chairs. Daniel and Rita bought a seat in Jillian's memory. My sweet friend Emily, who also went to Harding, wanted to go over one day a few weeks ago and find Jillian's seat so we did! Her seat is on the end of the second row so easy to find! I love seeing her name on things, just reminds me she forever lives in our hearts and so many others will see her name for many years to come!

Thank you Daniel and Rita for this sweet reminder of our girl!