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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Race for the Cure

Me and Ned Perme, KATV weatherman! This is probably the closest I'll ever get to getting a picture with a well known T.V. person! I really stopped to get a pic with him for my sweet nephew, Conner. Conner is obsessed with Ned Perme and wanted him to come to his birthday party this year. His party was actually later that day and I framed the picture and gave to him on his birthday-- he loved it!

The famous Little Rock firemen on top of one of their trucks during the race. Can I say some of them were very nice looking???!!!!

The beginning of the race. The race started at 8:00am and we didn't start walking for 5-10 minutes due to the massive amount of people! Estimates were that there were close to 50,000 women walking/running this day! This is the 3rd largest Race for the Cure in the Nation! Right here in Little Rock!

I love this picture. This is also at the beginning of the race. If you look far into the pic you can see the Arkansas River Bridge and women are as far as you can see already and I am still waiting to start! Good thing I was only walking!!! I also love the flag hanging across the road!

Me and the ladies I walked with. L-R... Elizabeth, Marilyn, myself, and Kinsey.
It is so hard to get up at 5:00am to get ready and drive to Little Rock in time for the race but once we were there, it was a great feeling. To know we are all there together for the same cause is a wonderful emotion! Can't wait till next year!

Good Eats!

The most amazing dessert--I don't remember exactly what it was called but it was a reece's cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I have never been there until our trip to Dallas and the desserts were wonderful!

This one was key lime cheesecake and it was great also!

Jack and I at the Cheesecake Factory. Jansen took this picture and it was very good if I must say so myself. I just look a little sleepy here!

Saturday night Rita and I met the rest of the family at Red Lobster after the game to eat and it was yummy!

Me and my sweet boy!

Football and Fun

Texas Stadium! Go Hogs spelled out by the razorback band!
We were fortunate to be able to travel to Dallas a few weeks ago for the Arkansas/Texas game at the Cowboys Stadium. Jack and Jansen actually went to the game with Daniel and his family while I stayed with Rita and her boys. We attempted shopping some but that was nearly impossible with Conner and Kyle! We still had a great time together and the whole weekend was much needed get away time for our family!!

Their seats were right here! The very top row of the stadium! I'm really glad I didn't go, I would have been a nervous wreck the whole time sitting that high!

Jansen with the stadium in the background

Jack and Jansen in front of the stadium

This is our little razorback soon as we arrived in Dallas Friday night after being in the car for 6 hours! He was so excited and ready for a fun filled razorback weekend!!!

Fun Fall Pics

Jansen posing with a snoopy cut out while we were at the pumpkin patch on his field trip.

Fun white pumpkins

Cute assortment of fall decor

The Pumpkin Supercenter at the pumpkin patch

Pretty Pumpkin!

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Jansen had his first school field trip a few weeks ago to the local pumpkin patch. I met them there since he had to ride the school bus. He was so excited about his first school bus ride! The above pic is Jansen and I posing in the middle of the pumpkin patch while he was looking for his pumpkins.

Jansen's class. Notice not many of the kids area actually looking at the camera! It is nearly impossible to get 20 kids to look the same direction!

Jansen had the choice of picking 1 bigger pumpkin or 3 smaller pumpkins and you can see what he chose! He was so proud of them and they were so cute and little!

Me and Jansen on the hayride. During our time there they had several learning centers around the pumpkin patch that the kids rotated through. They got to learn about how cotton was made, how people used to get water from wells, pet animals like chickens, look at pigs, turkeys, goats. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the time together!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

County Fair!

Me, Jack and Jansen posing for a picture in between Jansen riding rides at the County Fair a few weeks ago in our town. This was the first year for them to have it at the new fairgrounds that was just built this year and it was so much fun! Much nicer than where it used to be!

The last ride of the evening-- Daddy and Jansen went down the big slide together. Jansen was nervous at first but really enjoyed it once they were on it.

We met up with Dan, Rita, Conner and Kyle while we were there and Jansen and Conner had to ride a few rides together. They really had a good time and just laughed and laughed riding this little car. It went around a track and spun around really fast on the corners!

Jansen also enjoyed petting the animals and looking at all of them. We did that first, right after we got us a corn dog and lemonade for dinner! I love a good corn dog and lemonade at the fair or any festival! Overall we were really impressed with the fair and had a lot of fun together as a family, while also meeting up with some of our friends!

Headed home! We have one tired little boy on our hands! You can tell by looking at him it was really close to bedtime for a little boy that is still getting used to going to school everyday!

Happy Fall!

This past weekend I was away with some friends on a fun girl trip for some much needed "me time" as Jack calls it. When I got home Sunday night, this is what I found in our front yard! My sweet boys went and bought mums, pumpkins, hay bales, and this adorable scarecrow and made a cut fall arrangement for me! Little things like this remind me they love me so much and I love them just as much!

7 months

Mommy, Daddy, and Jillian

All of our hands together, Jillian, Jansen, Mommy, Daddy

I love this saying on this picture-- it is so true. Jillian's feet were so small but they certainly left a big imprint on my heart, my world, and so many others.

It has now been 7 months since the day Jillian was born. As Jack says, it has been the longest 7 months of our life but we are starting to have more happy days between the sad days. We definitely still have hard moments and hard days overall, but we can say we are functioning better most of the time than we did for a while. I know I honestly can say my nephew Kyle has been so good for me. I may have already mentioned this, but I was aprehensive before he was born, just not knowing how it would be being around a newborn and holding him. I LOVE HIM! His Aunt Nay loves to hold him ALL THE TIME when I am around him! I know I'm not helping any in the spoiling department but I just love that little boy so much! Thanks to my sis for letting me hold and help spoil him! Jillian you are thought of every second of every day. We are able to go through our days as normal as possible but in the back of my mind are constant thoughts of you my sweet girl. You are forever in my heart!