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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Flowers for Jillian

I finally got some flowers on Jillian's grave with her permanent marker. We got the marker a few weeks ago and I just haven't put flowers there yet. I love the hot pink color! They are so bright and colorful! I'm thinking there will be pink flowers on her grave often!

More School Pics

Jansen's second day of school. He wanted to wear his Vilonia Primary t shirt to school the second day and was just as excited as he was the first day of school.

The sign in front of the school, I just had to take this picture!

Leanne, Catherine, and myself all went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast after leaving all our kiddos at their first day of kindergarten. It was our "tears and cheers" breakfast!

1st Day of School

Jansen with his backpack and lunchbox before leaving the house Thursday morning for his first day of kindergarten. How can this be possible? You are not old enough to be in kindergarten, are you????

Me and my boy

Walking down the hallway going to his classroom

Jansen and his teacher, Mrs. Bonner. We think it is going to be a great year with his teacher!

Mrs. Bonner took a family picture for us before we left Jansen in his classroom. When we arrived he unloaded his backpack and put things where they went and sat down at his desk where Mrs. Bonner had play dough sitting out for him! He was off to a good start and was so excited for the day!

Kindergarten Orientation

Me, Jack, and Jansen standing outside his classroom door at kindergarten orientation. We cannot believe he is old enough to be in kindergarten. We went to orientation last Tuesday night, the 17th. I cried several times through the evening! It was very overwhelming for a mommy who is used to spending lots of time with her little boy! Jansen was really excited to go to kindergarten, Mommy was the one having the hard time. We got to tour the school, meet his teacher in his classroom, see where he will be sititng at his desk, where his cubby is, etc....

Me and my big boy!

Jansen standing outside of his classroom door

Sitting at his desk in the classroom

His name on his desk! So cute!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Kyle sleeping soundly
Saturday was a relaxing day for us around the house. Jack and Jansen mowed the yard before noon and did some things outside around the house before it was 110 degrees outside! Jansen actually took a nap in the afternoon so we were very excited! He has pretty much given up naps for the most part. I went and bought a few groceries while he and Jack rested. When I got home we went to Daniel's parents house, ( Rita's in laws), who happen to be some of our best friends. Rita, Dan, Conner and Kyle came for the evening. Rita could lay around and rest there like she would have at home and it was good for her to get out of the house. Debbie cooked a wonderful dinner for us and the boys all swam after dinner. We had a great time!

Rita relaxed with Kyle beside the pool

Sweet face!

Jansen and Conner, not sure what they are looking at here, probably watching Jack do something crazy!!!

Jansen and Daddy having fun!
We also had a great day today at worship and relaxing here at home between morning and evening service. We are getting ready for Jansen's big week, he starts kindergarten this week! He is really excited about it, mommy on the other hand is having a hard time just thinking about it. My baby boy is growing up! I know he will be fine and will have a wonderful time meeing new friends that he will have for a very long time, I hope. We have just had a lot of changes in our life this year and I have been an emotional roller coaster a lot of the time. Thank goodness Jansen understands and he knows mommy just has to cry sometime! We will see how this week goes! Thursday is the big day so everyone say a prayer for us!!! (especially me!!)

My Housecleaner

Lately Jansen has really been into cleaning around the house! I do not want to discourage this so I have let him do whatever he asks. Last week he wanted to dust, so I let him. A few days later he wanted to mop, so I let him! We have tile floors where he wanted to mop so I knew he couldn't mess anything up and he loved it! So yesterday he wanted to clean the back door, and I let him! Before I knew it he had gotten his stool and put in the dining room chair and stood up in it to reach the top of the door. I know, a little dangerous but he was cleaning for me!!! I just hope he continues to want to clean as he gets older!!

Wiping away on the door

He decided he needed to take the curtain completely down so he could wipe the glass really good, and once again I let him!

Sweet Kisses

I had not thought about it until Rita brought it
to my attention that we have a picture of Jansen holding and kissing Jillian just like he did with Kyle. She was exactly right. The top photo is Jansen holding and kissing his sister, Jillian just 5 months ago, and the bottom picture is Jansen holding and kissing his new cousin Kyle. Jansen is so loving and gentle with them! I love you son!

More Kyle

Me holding Kyle right after he was born

Conner holding Kyle, his baby brother, for one of the first times.

Rita and baby Kyle

Jansen holding Kyle, again! He loves to hold him and has continued to hold him as much as he possibly can everytime we go to their house to see them since they have been home.

Jack holding Kyle for the first time. He was really nervous about the whole experience too but he did very well also I must say. We continue to miss and want our girl but we love Kyle dearly!

Welcome Kyle Jacob!

Kyle Jacob was born Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 3:08pm weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20 inches long. He is perfect!! Proud parents are Daniel and Rita (my sis) and big brother Conner.
I was looking forward to this day so much, however lots of aprehension also accompanied my feelings. I had not been in a delivery room or held a newborn since I had Jillian. I knew Kyle would be the first baby I would visit in the hospital and the first newborn I would hold since holding Jillian. I have to say, I did much better than I expected I would. I love this little boy soooo much! The feeling of him in my arms I can't even describe. He does make me miss my sweet girl but he gives me hope and strength that I have not had.

Rita, myself and Kyle about an hour after he was born

This was one of the very first pics of me holding sweet Kyle

Kyle was under the warmer after his first bath

Look at those big bright eyes!
We are so glad you are here with us Kyle! Thank you Lord for a happy, healthy, sweet baby boy to fill all our lives!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hannah and Jonathan's Wedding

Last weekend, Jansen and Conner were the ring bearers in our friends Hannah and Jonathan's wedding. They were soooo cute, ( and handsome)!! This was there second wedding to be in this summer, so they really thought they knew what they were doing this time. They did great too I might say! This pic above is Jansen standing so still during the wedding.
Congratulations Hannah and Jonathan!

A picture of the wedding party during the ceremony. Rita and I made Conner come sit down with us during the ceremony. We didn't think he would have made it standing up there the whole time, he and Jansen probably would have started fighting!

Look at that face on Conner! This was right before he came and sat down with us. He walked out with Jansen when it was time for the recessional.

Me and my handsome boy!!! Love him soooo very much!

My sweetie! Jansen you are growning up way too fast right before my very eyes! This tuxedo really made you look so much older! I can't believe you start kindergarten this week!

Jillian's Marker

Jillian's marker finally got placed on her grave last Wednesday. We have been waiting about 6 weeks for it to get placed since we ordered it. You can't really tell from the picture, but the granite around the outside edge is a green color, the dark background is brown with the gold lettering. We still have to go get some flowers to put in the vase soon. We are really glad it is finally placed however that was just about one of the last things we could do for our sweet girl, besides keep her in our memory and our heart forever. We love you Jillian Michelle!


These pictures are from one day last week when it rained a WHOLE LOT in a very SHORT TIME at our house. I thought I would take these pics to show Jack when he got home from work. I really think Jansen could have swam in the backyard as much water as there was!!!! We were soooo glad to see rain, no matter how hard or how much!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Firemen

Jansen with his fireman hat on

Jansen and Conner with their hats

A close up picture, notice Conner is also blowing on a musical instrument. It has been soooo hot here in our town that we have had to play inside a whole lot! Conner was over at the house while Rita went to the doctor on Monday and he and Jansen put the fireman hats on and pretended they were putting out fires. It was so cute to watch!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cindy's 40th Birthday!

Cindy is one of my dear friends and this weekend she turned 40! I texted her husband Sat night and we planned a surprise party for her after worship service Sunday night at our house. Our plan was to go eat and then I was telling everyone to come over to our house for dessert. This is not uncommon for our group of friends so we figured she wouldn't think anything about it. We always go out to eat after evening worship service and often gather at someone's house for dessert. My brother in law, Daniel, found this cane and greeted her with it at the end of the driveway! Cindy and Patti walking up the driveway to our house for the surprise party. By this time she knew what was going on.

I don't think she's too happy about this???!!!

Turtle Ice Cream Cake from Marble Slab, YUM!!!!!

Cindy showing her cake and cane!

Cindy and her husband Michael. Glad we could all celebrate with you Cindy! We love you so very much and wish you many, many more happy days!!!!