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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Kyle sleeping soundly
Saturday was a relaxing day for us around the house. Jack and Jansen mowed the yard before noon and did some things outside around the house before it was 110 degrees outside! Jansen actually took a nap in the afternoon so we were very excited! He has pretty much given up naps for the most part. I went and bought a few groceries while he and Jack rested. When I got home we went to Daniel's parents house, ( Rita's in laws), who happen to be some of our best friends. Rita, Dan, Conner and Kyle came for the evening. Rita could lay around and rest there like she would have at home and it was good for her to get out of the house. Debbie cooked a wonderful dinner for us and the boys all swam after dinner. We had a great time!

Rita relaxed with Kyle beside the pool

Sweet face!

Jansen and Conner, not sure what they are looking at here, probably watching Jack do something crazy!!!

Jansen and Daddy having fun!
We also had a great day today at worship and relaxing here at home between morning and evening service. We are getting ready for Jansen's big week, he starts kindergarten this week! He is really excited about it, mommy on the other hand is having a hard time just thinking about it. My baby boy is growing up! I know he will be fine and will have a wonderful time meeing new friends that he will have for a very long time, I hope. We have just had a lot of changes in our life this year and I have been an emotional roller coaster a lot of the time. Thank goodness Jansen understands and he knows mommy just has to cry sometime! We will see how this week goes! Thursday is the big day so everyone say a prayer for us!!! (especially me!!)

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