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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

7 months

Mommy, Daddy, and Jillian

All of our hands together, Jillian, Jansen, Mommy, Daddy

I love this saying on this picture-- it is so true. Jillian's feet were so small but they certainly left a big imprint on my heart, my world, and so many others.

It has now been 7 months since the day Jillian was born. As Jack says, it has been the longest 7 months of our life but we are starting to have more happy days between the sad days. We definitely still have hard moments and hard days overall, but we can say we are functioning better most of the time than we did for a while. I know I honestly can say my nephew Kyle has been so good for me. I may have already mentioned this, but I was aprehensive before he was born, just not knowing how it would be being around a newborn and holding him. I LOVE HIM! His Aunt Nay loves to hold him ALL THE TIME when I am around him! I know I'm not helping any in the spoiling department but I just love that little boy so much! Thanks to my sis for letting me hold and help spoil him! Jillian you are thought of every second of every day. We are able to go through our days as normal as possible but in the back of my mind are constant thoughts of you my sweet girl. You are forever in my heart!

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